Key Word in Context
Online Research Tool

Sample Search Reports

Sample reports from searches conducted with KWiCFinder in both HTML (compatible with all browsers) and interactive XML (compatible with Internet Explorer only) formats. 

Follow this link for details of the various XML report formats.



  1. The XML reports have been saved as HTML files, so they can be viewed in any browser. Nevertheless, they are interactive only when displayed in Internet Explorer ver. 5.0 or greater.
  2. Interactivity allows the user to select citations to hide, delete, annotate or classify them, and to hide or display other elements of the search report.
  3. Please explore this interactivity by clicking on citations and choosing report elements to show or hide. Note however that changes made to the search reports can only be saved from within KWiCFinder (not your browser).
  4. The results of a search can be redisplayed in any of the languages or formats supported. Note that the "language of a search report" only refers to the text of the report.  The citations are always shown in the original language (KWiCFinder does not translate them).
  5. Since the HTML searches were conducted in November 1999 and the XML searches were carried out in April 2001, their content for the same query differs significantly.






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Author William H. Fletcher
Version 21 April 2003