Search for 1-, 2- and 3-grams in Web Corpus

Preliminary release; latest incarnation with real-time Web Concordancer and wildcard-searchable 1-6-grams at

Look for
in this database...

Max. types to show: 1000  | 5000  | 10,000  | 50,000
% matches 0 or more chars, e.g. ex% matches ex, expression, ex-president... (alternative: *)
_ matches exactly 1 char, e.g. s_ng matches sang, sing, song, sung (alternative: ?)
     Use | for OR, e.g. %gram|%gramme matches program, programme...

A maximum of 50,000 entries in descending frequency order are returned.
Frequencies are based on a corpus of about 104 M tokens 'clean' version (140 M tokens 'dirty' version) compiled from the Web in Feb-Mar 2006.
These and other web datasets on this site represent snapshots of an evolving corpus. Contents and counts vary from dataset to dataset and are subject to change. ver. 4 July 2007